CAO offers a full range of therapeutic services for complete diagnosis and treatment of all musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.
Technique utilized for improving muscle function in appropriate patients.
Custom shoe inserts provide pain relief and support for foot disorders.
Therapeutic interventions for disease, injury & conditions of upper extremities.
Treatment used to treat myofascial restrictions.
Taping intervention to facilitate the body's natural healing process.
Use of wavelengths of light to tissues to assist in healing and pain relief.
Variety of techniques including massage and soft tissue & joint mobilization.
Exercises and activities to help you reach the goals you set for your course of therapy.
Specialized equipment evaluates the neck and back's strength and range of motion.
Individualized plans for each person customized to meet their specific goals.
Technique involving "dry" needles for pain treatment and movement impairments.
Find mobility device best suited to an individual’s function and needs.
Stimulating work activities to rehabilitate through physical or occupational therapy.