The Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Center
My Locations
ArlingtonAddress1550 Wilson Blvd Suite 105 Arlington Virginia 22209Opening HoursMon-Thu: 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fri: 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Contact NumbersPhone703-584-2040Fax703-560-7218 -
Falls Church
Falls ChurchAddress2922 Telestar Court Falls Church Virginia 22042Opening HoursMon-Thu: 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fri: 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Contact NumbersPhone(703) 584-2040Fax(703) 560-7218
Dr. Sanders discusses sports injuries in youth and adult athletes with Dr. Zach Cohen
Dr. Sanders gives lecture on surgery vs non surgical options for Achilles Tendon Rupture
Thomas H. Sanders M.D. — Physician — Washingtonian, Virginia Living Magazine, Arlington Magazine and Castle Connolly Top Doctors
Tarsal CoalitionEssential Foot and Ankle Surgical Techniques: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 249-260, 2019
Intermediate to Long Term Outcomes of the STAR Total AnkleFoot Ankle International 2018
Anterior tibial tendon repair with ArtelonAOFAS Annual meeting 2018
An Alternative Approach to Tibial Intramedullary Nailing: The SeMid Technique (Semi-extended Midvastus Nailing)AAOS Annual meeting 2015
Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries in AthletesInova Sports Medicine Lecture Series October 2017
Foot and Ankle Injuries in the Athlete: Achilles Tendon Ruptures and 5th Metatarsal FracturesInova Sports Medicine Lecture Series February 2017
Salvage of Ankle Fracture Malunions6th Annual Extremity Summit, The Greenbrier, WV. June 2017
Achilles Tendon Ruptures. Calcaneus Fractures.5th Annual Extremity Summit, The Greenbrier WV. June 2016
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: an Algorithmic Approach to Diagnosis and TreatmentScientific Exhibit #39. 2013 AAOS meeting, Chicago, IL
Physical Impairment Ratings for FracturesBrowner’s Skeletal Trauma. 5th edition.
Recommendations for Driving after Right Knee ArthroscopyOrthopedics
Soft Tissue Benign Mesenchymoma in a Pediatric Patient: a Case Report and Review of the Literature.American Journal of Orthopedics
Chlorhexidine Burns after Shoulder ArthroscopyAmerican Journal of Orthopedics